Here are a few lessons I learned....

Korean florists will do whatever the heck they please, this includes giving you red roses with ugly yellow flourishes with way too much foliage and baby's breath. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of the horrid McDonalds colored 'boutonnieres.' Stephen's was about the size of his head, but at least it wasn't yellow and red.
I do have pictures of my sister's bouquet. I told them I wanted the same flowers in it as my own but half the size. This is what we got:
She found it so hilarious she left it as it was, but who in their right mind is like, "You know these maroon and yellow daisies will look great in this!"

Luckily my flowers were at least a little more subdued. Still this is after we ripped off a ugly huge lace 'embellishment' and large leaves and yellow tissue-y flowers that wrapped around the arrangement. Ivory and purple, a touch of green was my request; how could this be the answer?
As seen above the larger flower arrangements were a little closer, but I don't remember anything about pink.
Lesson 2: Get to your wedding 4 hours early!
After arriving I was bombarded with the issue of the flowers and then when that was settled by enlisting Matthew (the best man) to fix them, I was about to get my hair done when our curling iron blew out....or rather started smoking. Oh to Joy. Thank God I have friends who live close by and were ready early. My friend Kristin came to the rescue with her curling iron and expertise. And thank God my friend Candace had come early with her husband (who played our music) and with her sorority skills she did my make up and helped with hair.
She laughed and said, "I love that my credentials for doing hair are that I was in a sorority." But hey, some stereotypes are right.
All this to say I was only 30/40 minutes late to my own wedding.
I used to wonder how people could be late to their own weddings; I will never again complain about waiting.
My mother had to keep reminding me "This is for you, they won't start without you, don't stress out." That was my last wedding lesson: selfishness. And that is the lesson I will pass on to any young brides I meet. People will wait, people will forget they had to wait and they will still have a good time. The wedding day is to be united as one, not to throw the most organized and elegant party of the year.
Getting married was wonderful..... hopefully I will post more about it at a later date...... back to teaching English!